Common Problems About Power Banks
1. Powerbank unable to charge my tablet?
a) Powerbank with 2A output to charge tablets. While some tablets can accept lower input (1A or 1.5A), the charging is slower and sometimes can only be charged when the tablet is in sleep mode.

b) Some tablet is cables might not be compatible with power bank due to different cable chipset design. For Samsung Galaxy Tab in particular, we recommend using the cable and connector meant for power bank (comes with some power banks.

Heloideo White USA AC plug power bank with charging cable 

2. Powerbank battery drained off very fast?
a) Generally, a well maintained powerbank can retain up to 80-90% of its original capacity. Please check your device (phone/ tablet) original battery capacity and the powerbank capacity. Please also see answer 1.a. above.

b) The number of times a powerbank can charge your device very much depends on the capacity of both the powerbank and the device. Examples of calculation shown in answer 2 above.

c) Please do not attach cables to the powerbank when not in use.

Heloideo Black European AC plug power bank with charging cable 

3. Unable to turn on my powerbank?
a) It is possible that your powerbank is fully drained. Please charge your powerbank. The indicator will start blinking when the powerbank receives sufficient power.

b) It is possible that your powerbank went into sleep mode. The powerbank will automatically cut-off the power and go into sleep mode when it detects possibility of over-charge/ over-discharge/ short-circuit. This is sometimes due to faulty cable issue. Please activate the sleeping powerbank by charging it with its wall plug (3-pin plug) and use a good condition cable.

Heloideo Black European AC plug power bank with charging cable

4. What is the lifespan of the powerbank?
Generally, a properly maintained powerbank can retain up to 80-90% of its original capacity at 400-500 charge and discharge cycle (charge then discharge = 1 cycle, regardless of whether you charge/ discharge it partially or fully). Until your power bank no longer holds sufficient charge to meet your needs, you may choose to purchase a new one.

And there it is, Powerbank a very useful devices that really help in time of needs, particularly when you are on outdoor or during calamities when powergrid are down.

Hoping you like it & hopefully helped those who are interested in doing or building their own powerbanks.



How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery (2) Like Us on Facebook In a previous blog, I introduced a method of How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery. Now I will introduce you another method. Let’s go. Method 2--Freezing the Battery 1. Remove the battery from your phone. 2. Place it inside a sealed plastic bag in addition to a sealed plastic container. This will prevent it from getting wet. Do not use paper bags or foils as water can easily penetrate these materials. 3. Place the sealed battery inside the freezer, and leave it overnight or at least 12 hours. By exposing the battery to low temperatures such as the inside of a freezer, it allows the battery cells to recharge a little, enough to hold sufficient charge to be connected to a phone charger. 4. Remove the battery from the freezer. Allow it to warm up to room temperature. Do NOT use the battery while it’s still cold. 5. Wipe any moisture off of the battery. ...
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How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery like us on Facebook When mobile phone batteries have reached their limit or are left discharged for a long period of time, they eventually lose their ability to hold a charge. If your cell phone battery dies, you don’t need to throw it out right away, why not try reviving it first? Maybe all the battery needs is just a little push to make it functional again. Learn how by proceeding to Step 1. Method 1--Jump-starting the Battery 1. First, gather your supplies. You’ll need the following: 9-volt battery—Any brand will do. Electric tape—You’ll need no more than five inches. Electrical wire—Basic thin electrical wire will do. Red (+) and black (-) are preferred. 2. Connect the electrical wire to the positive and negative terminals of the cell phone battery first, as these are smaller. You can identify the terminals of the battery by simply looking at the side of the battery. It will have a plus (+) and minus (–) sign to ...