
7. Charge from the right source
Charging from a wall socket will always be faster than charging via PC or laptop, because computers' USB ports don't deliver very much power. A wall socket can deliver twice as much power as a USB port, and fast chargers it can deliver as much as five times the power – which means much, much faster charging. So if your phone is charging slowly and you're connected to a laptop: there's your problem.

If your wall charger doesn't appear to be delivering the goods, check that it's appropriate for your device. A charger from another phone might not deliver the right amount of juice — for example, a charger for a Bluetooth headset won't put out as much power as one designed specifically for smartphones. In the case of recent high-end phones, you might have a phone that supports fast charging but a charger that doesn't deliver it. Read the fine-print.

Your desktop or laptop can't charge your Android as fast as a wall socket.
8. Update or roll back
Software updates and new Android versions can wreak havoc with your battery life, especially when upgrading an old device to current software. Newer devices are often optimized to take advantage of the latest software, whereas a two-year-old device can struggle when it gets updated.

If this happens to you and you can't troubleshoot the problem, consider rolling the device back to an earlier Android version, though be warned that this carries security risks. The latest software versions are always recommended to keep your device protected, and while the risk of keeping your smartphone on an older version is often negligible, it’s worth noting.

Similarly, sometimes device battery life can be significantly improved by an update, so if you think you might be way behind on your Android software version, head to Settings > About phone to check for an update.

Keep your Android version up to date (or roll back to a previous version if really necessary).
9. Switch it off
Using battery-intensive apps/features while you are charging your device will affect how quickly it gains battery life. If you are charging while Skyping somebody at 100 percent brightness, the device will naturally take longer to charge than it would with its screen, Wi-Fi and 4G turned off.

Switch the device to airplane mode, or off completely, when you are charging if you want to see the fastest energy injection. Think of it making your device take a power nap.

10. Calibrate your battery
Sometimes the battery level your device 'thinks' it's at is wrong. The effect of this is that your phone may function differently, including limiting performance before it needs to or taking an hour to chew through the last two percent of battery.

We’ve already written an extensive guide on how to calibrate your smartphone battery, so I won’t retype it all here, but this is a thing to try before completely ditching your defunct power pack.

Battery calibration can be another effective means of fixing charge problems.
11. Check your battery pack's voltage and amperage
This tip was pointed out in the comments below by Patrick and it can help you quickly identify a defective cable. Download the free Amperage app from the link below and open it. Now, connect your charger and the interface should go green and the text at the top should say "measuring". If you don't see this, or nothing happens, it means there is no current going to your device.
If it identifies a current, the app will now show the charging statistics for that charger, including the minimum and maximum load levels (in milliamps), voltage and maximum current. This is also a great way to find out which of your chargers is performing best.

Try connecting the different charge packs you own, including portable battery packs, to see which has the highest maximum charge value, or the highest average (the app makes it fairly easy to get an idea of this). It's not an exact measurement but it's an indication if nothing else and the app is completely free.

12. What about water damage?
A number of people in the comments asked about battery problems caused by water damage. If your phone fails to charge after falling in water you don't have many options: your best bet is to try and replace the battery – if that's even possible.

You should, however, try to prevent this from ever happening. Read our article explaining what to do when you drop your phone in water to find out the first steps you should take when trying to rescue it.  

Dropped your phone in water? If the battery is removable, take it out immediately and pat it dry with a towel.
If all else fails, double-check that you have the power point switched on. That is the first thing they will ask you if you call your manufacturer for help, which might need to be your next step if none of these solutions has worked for you.

Have you suffered from a smartphone that won't charge properly? Let us know if you've found a fix that we haven't mentioned here in the comments.



How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery (2) Like Us on Facebook In a previous blog, I introduced a method of How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery. Now I will introduce you another method. Let’s go. Method 2--Freezing the Battery 1. Remove the battery from your phone. 2. Place it inside a sealed plastic bag in addition to a sealed plastic container. This will prevent it from getting wet. Do not use paper bags or foils as water can easily penetrate these materials. 3. Place the sealed battery inside the freezer, and leave it overnight or at least 12 hours. By exposing the battery to low temperatures such as the inside of a freezer, it allows the battery cells to recharge a little, enough to hold sufficient charge to be connected to a phone charger. 4. Remove the battery from the freezer. Allow it to warm up to room temperature. Do NOT use the battery while it’s still cold. 5. Wipe any moisture off of the battery. ...
10 common misconceptions about mobile device batteries Like Us on Facebook Have you run into a few old-school users with antiquated ideas about how to treat smartphone batteries? Here are several myths worth debunking. Ah, the mobile battery ─ a thing of myth, of legend... of frustration. So much sway does battery life hold over us that we buy specific phones that guarantee us a couple of days' usage. And all of this when other devices can eke out a week's worth of usage (think Amazon Kindle). Users go to some strange measures to keep their batteries going and going and going. Yet much of what we hear about mobile batteries is simply not true. Let's examine some of these misconceptions about the batteries that power the devices we depend upon day in and day out. 1: Batteries have "memory" Nope. Not at all. People used to think that you had to "train" your battery to make sure it would take the most charge. To do that, people w...
How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery like us on Facebook When mobile phone batteries have reached their limit or are left discharged for a long period of time, they eventually lose their ability to hold a charge. If your cell phone battery dies, you don’t need to throw it out right away, why not try reviving it first? Maybe all the battery needs is just a little push to make it functional again. Learn how by proceeding to Step 1. Method 1--Jump-starting the Battery 1. First, gather your supplies. You’ll need the following: 9-volt battery—Any brand will do. Electric tape—You’ll need no more than five inches. Electrical wire—Basic thin electrical wire will do. Red (+) and black (-) are preferred. 2. Connect the electrical wire to the positive and negative terminals of the cell phone battery first, as these are smaller. You can identify the terminals of the battery by simply looking at the side of the battery. It will have a plus (+) and minus (–) sign to ...